Robert C. Borden, P.E., Ph.D.

Emeritus Professor of
Civil, Construction and Environmental Engineering
North Carolina State University
Campus Box 7908, Raleigh, NC  27695-7908


B.S., Civil Engineering, University of Virginia, 1978.
M.E., Environmental Engineering, University of Virginia, 1980.
Ph.D. Environmental Engineering, Rice University, 1986.


My research has been focused on the natural and enhanced remediation of hazardous materials in the subsurface.  I am a registered professional engineer and worked in local government and consulting prior to teaching.  Consequently, my work is fairly applied with a focus on development and application of innovative, low-cost methods for treatment of soil and groundwater contaminants.  Results from this research have lead to widespread use of Monitored Natural Attenuation (MNA) for management of groundwater plumes.  Recently, we developed a process to remediate contaminated groundwater using emulsified oils. This process has now been used at hundreds of sites throughout the world to treat a wide variety of contaminants including chlorinated solvents, explosives, and heavy metals.

Students in my research group have worked in a variety of areas including laboratory studies, fieldwork and mathematical model development.  Mathematical modeling studies have included development and application of numerical models to simulate the natural and enhanced remediation of groundwater contaminants via aerobic biodegradation (BIOPLUME 1.0), anaerobic biodegradation, and chemical oxidation.  Laboratory studies have examined the biodegradation of aromatic hydrocarbons, fuel oxygenates, ethers, chlorinated solvents, explosives and propellants under a range of electron accepting conditions.  Field studies have included large scale field evaluations of monitored natural attenuation, controlled biotransformation measurements using small diameter (10 cm) in situ columns and large diameter (0.6 m) test chambers, and detailed field evaluation of biologically active permeable reactive barriers.  New research areas include in situ chemical oxidation and anaerobic treatment of acid mine drainage.